Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Great Template Change Extravaganza Day Three

Okay here we are at day three of the Extravaganza.

Today's template is Japanese Fleur designed by Lorelei, and converted to Blogger format by Blogger Templates

What do you think? I think the top is gorgeous, but then it's pretty bland after that.

This is the third one I've tried to get to work today! bah! Some of the really great designs are in Spanish, and some of the parts you can't change to English (not with my limited knowledge of HTML anyways). So, I keep finding ones I like then can't use them. Frustration!!

Come back tomorrow for the next one! And don't forget to come back on Friday November 7th to cast your vote and get your coupon code!


Kristina said...

I like the center part of the top, but the fading on the sides makes my eyes do funny things.

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