Saturday, March 8, 2008

UGH! Almost 32 weeks pregnant and....

today was rough.

It was one of those hi-we're-your-pregnancy-hormones-and-we're-going-to-take-over-your
-body-and-turn-you-into-a-horrible-grump days. Let me tell you--it. wasn't. fun. For anyone involved.


Luckily I have the most amazing two guys in the world living with me! Handsome Hunk was very loving and patient (and super happy to leave for work this morning, I'm sure!). And Blue-Eyed Boy was very snuggly and loving today. It was good. They were great. I wouldn't have made it through the day without some sort of mental breakdown if it wasn't for them.

I tell ya, pregnancy is not for the weak!


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