Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I'm it again....

I was tagged by Shop Girl in Chicago
The rules:
1. Link to your tagger and list the rules
2. List 7 random facts about yourself
3. Tag 7 people (and make sure you check back and see what they say!)
4. If you’re tagged, play along and pass it on!

Hmm...since I just did this recently I'll have to think of some more goes nothing.....

1. I am shy. Painfully shy. Like I can hardly talk to anyone unless I've known them practically my whole life. Are you surprised that I have a blog? I've always been better at expressing myself through writing, than through verbal communication.

2. I'm old fashioned. I love cooking and cleaning and being little Suzy homemaker. I'd rather wear a dress or skirt than pants any day. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong time period.

3. I'm allergic to cats. I don't like them, so I'm really not so sad about that.

4. I don't drink coffee, or ANYTHING with super high amounts of caffeine (so chocolate is okay!). It'll give me a stomach ache/make me barf.

5. I cannot go to bed in an unmade bed. So, if I didn't make my bed in the morning (or anytime during the day) I have to make it before I get in it to go to sleep. Drives the Hunk crazy, but I think he secretly like it too.

6. I'm secretly (well not so secret now) thinking of becoming a vegetarian...meat and me are not friends. I already do not eat red meat except on rare occasions, so it's not to far of a leap from there.

7. I despise cell phones. I wish they had never been invented, they make people rude and obnoxious. I'm sure if I got stranded on the side of the road I would change my tune. Maybe it's not the cell phone itself that I despise, but the lack of proper etiquette people with cell phones exhibit? For future reference I don't want to hear about your boyfriends best friend's sister and who she is having sex with while I'm shopping for groceries with my 3 year old and 7 month old. And I don't think anyone else wants to either.

I'm going to take Dizzy's lead and refrain from tagging anyone because we all just did this.


Shop Girl said...

sorry... I didn't know

Jessica Lynn said...

Don't worry! It's fun!

Kristina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kristina said...

(deleted comment was mine)

Seriously? No coffee? How do you survive? *am about to go for my second cup*

Jessica Lynn said...

I guess because I've never had it? I don't know. I don't need it. A glass of OJ gets me going if I need help waking up.

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